All hair types from all over the world
We are pleased to have the opportunity to present you all types of hair that can be used in the beauty industry: hair extension technologies, wig and hairpiece manufacturing, hairpieces, etc. The main advantage of our company is a wide range of high-quality natural hair.
The most valuable type of hair is considered to be European (often also called “Slavic” or “Russian”) hair collected in the territory of the former USSR countries: Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, as well as the Scandinavian countries.
This is the most valuable hair for real masters of the beauty industry. The main advantage of European hair – versatility, as well as high-quality structure. Products made from this hair have a long wear life without losing their properties and appearance. Also, a valuable property of European (Slavic, Russian) hair is natural light shades, as well as a wide range of colors from light shades to dark ones.
«UKRHAIR» represents only high-quality and selected European (Russian hair). We supply this type of hair to leading beauty salons in Europe and North America, our customers are European wig manufacturing companies, including those at oncology centers. We have been present in this market for many years and have established ourselves as a reliable business partner.
In addition to European Slavic hair, we can also present such a type of natural hair as «Uzbek hair». Uzbek hair appeared on the market relatively recently and has established itself as a good raw material for hair extensions and wig production. The regions where this hair is collected are Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. «Uzbek» hair differs from other Asian hair in its finer structure, close to the structure of European hair. Therefore, Uzbek hair can serve as a good substitute for European hair, while it has a lower price. Another feature of Uzbek hair is the presence in many cases of natural waviness, which can be important when making curly wigs and hairpieces. Uzbek hair tolerates the use of hot extension technologies associated with heating well.
Due to the recent shortage of European, Slavic hair of natural popular light shades, and the rise in prices for this hair, many salons and enterprises use bleached hair. For such clients, we offer several types of bleached hair, the most popular of which are Uzbek bleached hair, the closest in structure to European hair. Bleaching is carried out using a special technology at a European factory with multi-stage quality control. Thanks to the unique bleaching technology and specially selected materials, the bleached hair supplied by us has a live cuticle, remains soft and silky.
Our company also has Asian hair, including gray-hair.
All hair is supplied in two versions: washed and sorted hair (washed), and hair “in bulk” (bulk). “Washed” hair differs from “unwashed” hair in that it is immediately ready for use. During the washing process, inverted hair is revealed, dirt is removed, and the hair in the ponytail cap is straightened. Hair washing reveals the real texture of the hair. When washing, hair loses up to 30% of its weight, so its price is slightly higher.
We will be glad to see you among our clients.
Our managers are always happy to consult and answer your questions.