Asian Bleached Hair
Our company has more than fifteen years of business experience in the market of natural human hair, and is a major wholesale supplier. In the market of raw hair we found a shortage of light Slavic hair, however, thanks to the many years of experience of our experts, we found a decent alternative of it. This is Asian bleached hair. This is a unique product that we offer in the market of natural human hair. Discoloration and subsequent coloring of Asian hair is produced at our factory in Europe with a special technology, using high quality expensive dyes produced in Europe. We present the most quality raw materials of the scarce colors: chestnut, ash blonde and platinum blonde hair. Thanks to technological innovation, this hair after dyeing is soft and silky, that allows to use it for hair extension.
This technology provides for the manual production of this type of hair with treatment of separated strands. So dyed hair does not lose color and does not deteriorate, thereby providing an alternative to natural light European hair.
Caring about quality, our experts do not use the machine processing method of treatment of strands. They also don’t use silicone. And after bleaching our experts thoroughly wash Asian hair, making them fully ready for future use.
This product is of high quality and has no analogues as the basis of production in UKRHAIR is carefully selected feedstock, quality dyes and multi-stage control of our specialists at all stages of production.
Catalog of Asian Bleached hair
The use of Asian Bleached hair type:

